
Spoilers ahead for those that haven’t finished UnderMine

A certain Archmage has met his end and the goldmine is without direction. Enter: Camilla, Second Disciplinarian of the kingdom of Devlemore. Camilla is here to make sure the peasants remain motivated and the mine remains profitable. Her plan is to utilize her successful “Worker’s Helpful Incentive Program,” but will it work this time?

Welcome to UnderMine 1.2: WHIP! The second major update to UnderMine since release. Many of our peasants have discovered all there is in the Undermine, so we made something to freshen things up — WHIP! A daily-run mode that pits peasants in head-to-head competition on the leaderboard. In addition to the new WHIP mode, we’ve added a log to the journal that highlights past runs, many new items, and of course a ton of bug fixes and balance improvements. Let’s jump in!


Camilla and the worker’s helpful incentive program

Arkanos is dead, but the gold must continue to flow, so the king has sent one of his disciplinarians to make sure that happens. Camilla has taken over Arkanos’ office and made it her own. Once per day she will offer a new challenge to the peasant. These challenges are a mix of hexes, starting items, and a random familiar. All peasants receive the same challenge and their Undermine (or Othermine) is set to the same seed. Each peasant is rated on their performance and their best score for the day is placed on the leaderboard. Peasants that score 100,000 or more on a WHIP run will unlock an alternate skin for their equipped familiar.


WHIP Leaderboard

Each WHIP challenge is accompanied by a leaderboard. Complete your best run and see how you compare to the best in the world, to your friends, or try to beat your own score. Every day the boards are wiped and the challenge starts over again.

There are separate leaderboards for Undermine and Othermine, as well as “friend” leaderboards that will filter out anyone not on your Steam friends list.

Note: Social leaderboards are limited to the Steam version of UnderMine. Switch, Xbox, and PlaySation versions have a leaderboard that records your runs, but does not include other players’ scores. We understand this isn’t ideal, but did not have the capacity to do social leaderboards for the consoles.


Familiar Styles

We all have our favorite familiar and now you can show yours off with a custom fit. Complete a WHIP run with a score of 100,000 or more and unlock a new style for your equipped familiar. Each familiar has an alternate style, so be prepared to collect them all.


Run Log

We’ve added a log to the journal that records your recent runs. Convenient for reliving past glory, but especially good for grabbing a great seed.

New relics, potions, curses, and Hexes

WHIP generates random starting item packages and we wanted to ensure maximum variety so we created a bunch of new relics, curses, and hexes. The hexes especially will mix up your runs and keep things fresh, even outside of WHIP!


Relic - Magnetized Ore

Teleports nearby enemies into a friendly bomb blast.


Relic - Twin Axe

An additional pickaxe, so you can throw while you swing, or swing while you throw, or throw while you throw.


Relic - Bounty Contract

Marks an enemy with a bounty. Defeat them in time to earn your reward.


Relic - Orion’s Sword

Temporarily increases damage after receiving damage. Take your aggression out on your enemies.


Relic - Golden Axe

Increases damage with gold spent in shops.


Relic - Javelin

Thrown pickaxes gain more damage the further they travel.


Hex - Nemesis

Become prey!


Hex - Blasphemy

Altars are reversed!


Hex - Accursed

Shop items are cursed!


Hex - Stasis

Items are trapped in crystal!


Curse - Heatwave

Enemies randomly radiate heat


Curse - Earthquakes



UnderMine’s 1st year Anniversary

We’re not sure if 1.2 will hit exactly on the one year anniversary of UnderMine, but it will be very close. It’s been an amazing ride and we owe it all to our players. Whether you got UM on day 1 in early access, or yesterday, your support has helped make this game what it is. We have a lot of fun things planned and a new update is only a part of that, so keep a look out for announcements. Or maybe they already happened? Co-ordinating schedules is hard!

Stay gold peasants!

- Thorium